Saturday, March 1, 2008

Prayer is a privilege that brings peace

This past Wednesday morning, I received a call from my daughter, Jenn, letting me know she had a prayer request. A friend of hers had been in a car accident. Over the next two days, and still, I pray for Chris as he comes to mind. I've also had time to reflect on the request to pray. My daughter called me because she knew I would pray. During the night Thursday, I woke and again prayed. It was then that I thought about what a privilege it is to pray for others. Not only is it a privilege but it brings such peace in knowing that I was giving my request to the only ONE who could do anything for Chris. David knew of the peace that is brought through the assurance of answered prayer when he wrote Psalm 3:5 "I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me." Peace. Would you join me in the privilege of praying for Chris? We don't know Chris' needs right now but our God does.