Friday, January 4, 2008

Having A Mary Heart In A Martha World

Have you ever felt like God was trying to tell you something but you didn't know what it meant? I believe it was in 2001 that God first started speaking to me about having a Mary heart. I will be sharing with you how God spoke to me. I pray that through my story you will find "Mary time" in this "Martha world." It all begins with my life verse, Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God."


Kylee Baumle said...

I always learn the best life lessons from you Marsha, which is why I treasure the times we spend together. Now God found yet another way to teach me more through you.

I really look forward to the coming year with you in person and on your new blog. We could all use a little more Martha in our hearts, so encouragement in this way is "a good thing" (to quote another Martha).

Love you! *blow kiss* :-)

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha said...

Awww, thank you, Kylee!
Love and *blow kiss*

B said...

marsha, marsha, marsha...I love that!!! I love your blogsite and can't wait to read your posts. You are truly an inspiration to me and my life. I need to be more Mary instead of Martha :)
You go girl!