Friday, January 18, 2008

Signs of getting older

Now, don't laugh. This is just a part of getting we all do. I just returned from my yearly physical. I've been talking about having a Mary heart. That is my goal but today's results show that even if I appear to "be still" on the outside, my insides are another story. As I filled out the physical questionnaire I thought to myself, "I'm a pretty healthy person. " Then the doctor came in. My blood pressure is up (of course it is! My legs are in stirrups! ) and it's time to do something about the bladder leakage. Well, when he listened to my heart, he said it has a swishing sound so it's time to have a ego cariogram. So I leave there with paperwork to have two procedures and feeling old. One good thing is that my cholesterol looks good! So apparently my insides aren't as calm as my outside appears. I'll have to work on that!


Kylee Baumle said...

And I will be praying that all turns out well, Marsha!

Pssssst! You are NOT old! This is just one of those bumps in the road. You've got a long way before you start climbing mountains!

Love you!

Marsha, Marsha, Marsha said...

I know I'm not old! I just climbed all over a mountain to find four caches...and all before lunch! That felt good!!