Sunday, April 13, 2008

April Showers.....

Happy Spring!

We've been having our April showers and the first flowers to bloom in our yard are always the daffodils. After the showers on Friday, the sun came out and we headed outside in search of a rainbow. Sure enough, we found one! We love the promises of April showers bringing May flowers and rainbows. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008

Blessed are the Balanced

I love this! This is what I'm talking about! The following excerpt comes from Warren Wiersbe's book Be Compassionate. This excerpt also pretty much sums up Joanna Weaver's book Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World. I hope it speaks to your heart as it has mine.

"Worship is at the heart of all that we are and all that we do in the Christian life. It is important that we be busy ambassadors, taking the message of the Gospel to lost souls. It is also essential to be merciful Samaritans, seeking to help exploited and hurting people who need God's mercy. But before we can represent Christ as we should, or imitate Him in our caring ministry, we must spend time with Him and learn from Him. We must "take time to be holy."
Mary of Bethany is seen three times in the Gospel record, and on each occasion, she is in the same place: at the feet of Jesus. She sat at His feet and listened to His Word (luke 10:39), fell at His feet and shared her woe (John 11:32), and came to His feet and poured out her worship (John 12:3).
Mary and Martha are often contrasted as though each believer must make a choice: be a worker like Martha or a worshiper like Mary. Certainly our personalities and gifts are differnet, but that does not mean that the Christian life is an either/or situation. Charles Wesley said it perfectly in his hymns:

Faithful to my Lord's command,
I still would choose the better part;
Serve with careful Martha's hands,
And loving Mary's heart.

It seems that the Lord wants each of us to imitate Mary in our worship and Martha in our work. Blessed are the balanced! We are ambassaadors, neighbors, and worshippers, these three; and the greatest of these is worshipers. Blessed are the balanced."

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thinking of you

I'm thinking alot about my dad with it being 3 years today that we lost him. I miss him so. But the little rainbows have returned to my bedroom, through the prism hanging in the east window sending them dancing around the room as the sun rises, and I say "Good morning, Dad!" These little rays of hope bring him back to me! The minsiter at my dad's funeral said that we would see Dad in the sunset or rainbows and it's been so amazing to me how much joy it brings into my life. I hope this will bring you hope and joy as you find your lost loved ones in the rainbows.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Tools for Transformation

God has used many practices and experiences to shape my life. I've found these six regular disciplines have helped me grow and become more like Christ. I recommend them all to you.
  1. Developing a Quiet Time. As I sit quietly to read my Bible and other devotional materials, write in my journal and pray, He leads me in the way I should go.
  2. Memorizing Scrpiture. Hiding God's word in my heart changes my thinking and prepares me for the future.
  3. Listening to Others. I am so thankful for Christian wisdom I receive through, books, sermons, Christian radio stations, and godly friends. They all help point me in the right direction.
  4. Journaling. This helps remind me of God's faithfulness and keeps me accountable.
  5. Gathering with fellow believers. When two or more are gathered together, God is there with us.
  6. The altar. Laying it all on the altar, whether at home or church, helps me stay strong in my commitment to obey what God is speaking to my heart.

I leave you with 1 Samuel 10:6 "The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power....and you will be changed into a different person. "